Conference excursions

Late Cretaceous Geodynamics of the Sudetes area in the sedimentary record
pre-Conference excursion (3 days):
The northern periphery of the Bohemian Massif, including the Sudetes, is characterized by (1) local variation in the timing of marine transgression in response to dramatic differences in the underlying geological substrate and topography, (2) a large range of lithologic variation within the Cretaceous sediments, and (3) a clear sedimentary record of syndepositional geodynamic activity. During the Cretaceous, this area was divided into several sub-basins with well-defined tectonic frames, often with pull-apart structures driven by the regional strike-slip dextral geodynamic regime dominant throughout its post-Variscan history. The Cretaceous deposits in the Sudetes represent an excellent example of the interaction of global, regional, and local processes on sedimentation.
Led by Jurand Wojewoda, Alina Chrząstek and Stanisław Leszczyński.

From shallow-to deep-marine Cretaceous of the northern Tethys – record of diversification of the Alpine system in the Polish Carpathians
pre-Conference excursion (3 days):
The field trip aims to explore the Cretaceous sediments of the Western Carpathians, deposited in variegated tectonic settings: from pelagic and carbonate platform in the uppermost Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous to synorogenic marls and clastics in the Upper Cretaceous. You will see the beautiful landscapes of the southernmost tip of Poland with Alpine-type mountains, picturesque klippen and alps.
Led by: Krzysztof Bąk, Marta Bąk, Jacek Grabowski, Jan Hejnar, Jolanta Iwańczuk, Michał Krobicki, Damian Lodowski, Alfred Uchman

Turonian-Coniacian of the Opole Cretaceous.
pre-Conference excursion (2 days):
This field trip will lead participants to the enormous Folwark quarry in Opole, where almost the entire so-called "Opole Cretaceous" is well-exposed. These strata – largely marls and chalks – are characterized by a rich, diverse paleontological and ichnological record: there are numerous representatives of ammonites, inoceramid and other bivalves, echinoids, sponges and other invertebrate groups, to a lesser extent, vertebrates (fish, sharks, and reptiles). The biostratigraphical scheme relies on calcareous nannoplankton, inoceramids, and ammonites.
Led by Elena Yazykova, Mariusz Kędzierski, Jordan Todes and Dawid Mazurek.

Tracing biogeochemical Si-cycle in Late Cretaceous marine environment. Geological record and petrology of the Upper Cretaceous of the Miechów Trough (southern Poland)
pre-Conference excursion (2 days):
We would like to offer an exciting field trip across the Upper Cretaceous succession of the Miechów Synclinorium. The trip starts and finishes in Warsaw and includes an overnight stay in the European Center for Geological Education (https://www.eceg.uw.edu.pl/en/). The trip will focus on siliceous-carbonate rocks and the biogeochemical Si cycle in marine environments.
Led by Agata Jurkowska, Ewa Świerczewska-Gładysz and Aleksandra Kasztelewicz

Palaeontological and geological collections in Warsaw.
pre-Conference excursion (1 day):
You will have the opportunity to see the rich collections of the Geological Museum of the Polish Geological Survey, and the two museums of the Polish Academy of Sciences: the Museum of Evolution and the Museum of the Earth, while touring the bustling center of Warsaw.
Led by Izabela Ploch and Tomasz Szczygielski.

The Cretaceous of the North Sudetic Synclinorium (southwestern Poland):
stratigraphy, origin and economic importance.
post-Conference excursion (2 days):
This trip will focus on the facies and sedimentary development of the Cenomanian‒Santonian shallow marine to terrestrial deposits of the North Sudetic Synclinorium (some 400 km southwest of Warsaw), which record a sedimentary basin (the North Sudetic Basin) that formed in the mid-Cretaceous at the northern margin of the Bohemian Massif. The North Sudetic Basin constituted a southeastern extension of the East Brandenburg Basin and was, at least temporarily, connected by a (supposed) strait with the adjacent Intra-Sudetic Basin and – further to the south –the Bohemian Basin: accordingly, it linked the Tethyan and Boreal realms. Depositional processes, systems, and environments, and the factors controlling sedimentation in this basin, will be discussed. The economic importance of the deposits – as building stones, glass sandstones, and ceramic clays – will also be examined.
Led by: Stanisław Leszczyński, Alina Chrząstek, Wojciech Nemec and Jurand Wojewoda.

The end of an Era: record of environments, biotic communities and events across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in Poland
post-Conference excursion (2 days):
We shall be guiding you to the most important localities in central and eastern Poland that record the environments, biotic communities and events just prior to and across the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary. This trip will include the classic localities near Kazimierz Dolny, in the Middle Vistula River section, as well as a section near Chełm with the K-Pg iridium anomaly. We shall also pay a visit to a regional museum at Kazimierz Dolny with a collection of late Cretaceous fossils.
Led by Marcin Machalski, Danuta Olszewska-Nejbert and Ewa Świerczewska-Gładysz.

Cross border, cross boundary: exploring the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition in the western Carpathians.
post-Conference excursion (3 days):
We are exploring the possibility of offering an exciting field trip across the Western Carpathians, starting in Warsaw and ending in Budapest, primarily for those delegates who wish to attend both the Cretaceous Symposium and the Jurassic Symposium [which will take place the week after the Cretaceous Symposium]. Organized jointly with Polish and Slovak colleagues, a special focus will be placed on the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition.
Led by: Jacek Grabowski, Damian Lodowski,
Kamil Fekete, Josef Michalik, Daniela Rehakova, Istvan Fozy, Ottilia Szives

Cretaceous deep-sea facies, stratigraphy, and ichnology in the Flysch Carpathians and the Pieniny Klippen Belt.
post-Conference excursion (2 days)
The excursion will lead through selected outcrops of Cretaceous deposits in the western and middle part of the Polish Flysch Carpathians. Variable facies, problems of stratigraphy and ichnology of the most important lithostratigraphic units in the Silesian, Subsilesian and Magura nappes will be presented.
Led by Alfred Uchman and collaborators.

Late Cretaceous inversion
of the Polish Basin – syn-depositional tectonics, facies distribution
and bathymetric changes
post-Conference excursion (3 days)
The trip will focus on the northeastern part of the Mid-Polish Anticlinorium. In several outcrops, we will examine the main facies of this region (sandy limestone, gaize, opoka, marls, chalk), their spatial relationship, and resultant bathymetric and environmental interpretations. The surface data will be linked to high-resolution seismic images linking the subsurface changes to the depositional architecture during the Late Cretaceous inversion of the Polish Basin.
Led by Zbigniew Remin, Piotr Krzywiec, and Aleksandra Stachowska.